Play retro games on weird vintage-future tech inside Fallout 4.
Fallout 4: holotape locations visual guide
As you wander around the Commonwealth you may come across holotapes. These neat little collectibles contain playable games, and can be loaded up in terminals and your Pip-boy. Most of them are loving tributes or clones of classic arcade titles, so they’re a pretty fun time waster, even if they don’t seem to provide any gameplay benefits.
Your two main sources of holotapes are RobCo Fun magazines and terminals; you can sometimes eject a tape from recreational terminals, so be sure to look through all the available menu options and watch for the eject prompt.
There are five holotapes to find, and you can get them al pretty early on. We’ve listed directions below, along with screenshots to help you find them. As with all our guides for this massive game, it’s a work in progress, so check back as we update with more locations.
Holotape: Red Menace
The first holotape you can find in Fallout 4 is in Vault 111. It’s in the recreation terminal in the kitchen area; fire it up and eject the tape to collect it. If you’ve just started playing, this room is very close to where you get the security baton and fight your first radroach. You can return later if you miss this.
Holotape: Atomic Command
In the Museum of Freedom in Concord. It’s on a desk near a terminal, in the upstairs room where you find the trapped settlers during the main quest mission When Freedom Calls.
Holotape: Zeta Invaders
In the back corner of Nick Valentine’s office in Diamond City, on a desk. Note that you can collect this issue more than once, but you won’t receive multiple copies of Zeta Invaders.
Holotape: Pip Fall
On a desk in the boss room in Fort Hagen Command Centre. You visit this room during main quest Reunions.
Holotape: Grognak & The Ruby Ruins
On a desk in the basement of the Memory Den in Good Neighbour. You travel here during the main story quest Dangerous Minds.
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