Big Injustice 2 reveal happening tomorrow, teasers show Wonder Woman, Superman & Supergirl

By Sherif Saed

We’re getting an Injustice 2 reveal tomorrow.

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The official twitter accounts for Injustice 2 and DC Comics have been dropping teasers for what looks like a CG trailer.

These came in the form of two short GIFs that possibly hint at a story trailer. Both of them promise to share more tomorrow, January 17. The first one, features the tagline ‘The Lines Are Redrawn’ and has Superman mourning the death of someone.

The DC Comics GIF shows part of a fight between Supergirl and Wonder Woman, without much context. Both GIFs appear to be from the same trailer.

The first Injustice: Gods Among Us featured a storyline that saw many superheroes battling it out against one another, especially ones previously thought to be friends/allies. If this can be any indication, the sequel may just follow a similar structure.

Injustice 2 was recently confirmed for May 16 release date, so expect more character reveals to start happening.

We’ll bring you the details as they drop tomorrow.
