Give Watch Dogs 2 a whirl with a free 3 hour trial

By Shabana Arif

If you haven’t picked it up yet, now’s your chance to try before you buy.

Ubisoft has announced Watch Dogs 2 that console players can download a demo of the game, giving them three hours of gameplay.

Available on PS4 and Xbox One, players will get the full game experience including single-player, co-op, and multiplayer, with progress carrying over to the full game if you buy it after the trial period.

You can download the demo on PS4 now. It won’t be available to download on Xbox One until January 24. On that same date, the first add-on content pack, the T-Bone Content Bundle, will also be available on Microsoft Xbox One and PC.

Neither the YouTube description or press release specify whether it will also be coming to PC.
