Nioh beta player blasts through Yokai in the Last Chance demo with barely a scratch and some sweet combos
Seriously, this guy is the master of combos.
Nioh‘s release date is edging closer and those of us itching to get our hands on it had a chance to play it over the weekend with the aptly named Last Chance demo.
Although it takes some measure of inspiration from the Souls series, Nioh is heavy on the action, as you’d expect with with Ninja Gaiden’s Team Ninja at the helm.
Alex had some hands-on time with the game before chatting to Team Ninja head Yosuke Hayashi and the rest of us have dabbled with the demo but didn’t fare particularly well. As amazing as the game already looks, it’s people like XLHGladiator that really let it shine.
In their most recent video, they showcase perfectly executed combos and techniques, utilising the Ki recharge mechanic to its fullest. If you’re forgetting to use it, this is exactly why you need to be getting out of that habit.
The combat is certainly a world away from Dark Souls once you’ve gotten to grips with the mechanics, but don’t feel too bad if your first few forays aren’t comprised of an array of flashy combos. You can switch up your play style to reach a point that you’re comfortable with, and if that’s beating the crap out of everything that even thinks about looking a you the wrong way, so be it.
If it’s running like a yellow-bellied coward and looking for every opportunity to cheese your way through a fight, welcome to the club.
Nioh is out on February 7 in North America, and February 8 in Europe for the PlayStation 4.
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