The Super Mario Odyssey trailer remade in GTA 4 is better than the real thing

By Shabana Arif

Mario’s Odyssey just got a little too real.

If you haven’t already seen the trailer for Super Mario Odyssey, it shows everyone’s favourite plumber running about a realistic-looking city, bouncing on car bonnets, swinging off lamp posts, and shimmying his way across precarious ledges. Generally being a nuisance to the hustle and bustle of city life.

YouTuber CrowbCat put together their own take on the trailer using a Super Mario skin mod in GTA 4 and it’s hilarious.

GTA physics plus a big ol’ Mario flopping his way around the city to the Super Mario Odyssey theme is just perfect, and the angry pedestrians and police are the icing on the cake.

You can play the real thing later this year when Super Mario Odyssey releases for the Switch.
