Battlefield 1 exclusive Verdun Heights DLC gameplay shows map details, more on game modes

By Shabana Arif

Battlefield 1’s Verdun Heights map shown in more detail with exclusive They Shall Not Pass gameplay.

Battlefield 1‘s DLC is out tomorrow for Premium Pass owners, and there’s a lot to look forward to.

Westie’s video covers Verdun Heights, the fourth and final map of the They Shall Not Pass DLC.

The map has a linear design and is infantry only, set just after the German artillery bombardment at the beginning of the Battle of Verdun – hence the burning forest.

The German side spawns in the surviving town on low ground, while the French spawn point is on the hilltop plateau, making it a great map for snipers, and a nightmare for everyone else.

Westie touches on a number of map features, like capture point C’s ruined church and underground bunker, that let you take the point from both locations, resulting in a frantic free-for-all.

If you’ve got 10 minutes to spare, it’s worth a watch before the DLC drops for Premium Pass holders tomorrow, March 14.

For everyone else, They Shall Not Pass is out March 28 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
