Battlefield 1 gets a stack of new hand-to-hand weapons in its next DLC, They Shall Not Pass.
Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass adds a pile of new boomsticks, but there’s plenty in there for those who like to get up close and personal, too.
In the video above, Westie talks us through the six new melee weapons coming to the Battlefield 1 multiplayer sandbox when They Shall Not Pass releases March 27, which range from minor variants of existing gear to all-new additions.
All the new melee weapons in They Shall Not Pass can be equipped in your standard loadouts, so now everyone in Battlefield 1 can carry a sabre. Three of them will be acquired by completing assignments, but we don’t yet know how you grab the other three yet. Map pick ups? Puzzles? We’ll have to wait and see.
They Shall Not Pass also brings heaps of new weapon skins to Battlefield 1. Each of the new weapons in They Shall Not Pass comes with seven skins on top of the default look.
The new They Shall Not Pass skins are divided into three rarities: Special, Distinguished and Legendary. According to Westie, “All of the Special skins are named the same, and have the same style on all of the new weapons. The Distinguished skins are all named differently, but look similar across all weapons, and the Legendaries are all the same design, but name different and fitted differently to each weapon.” Sure, Battlefield 1, if you like.
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