Fallout 4 mod lets you export your settlements and share them with others

By Sherif Saed

What if instead of spending hours building your settlement in Fallout 4, you could import the design of a better one into your game?


Fallout 4 mods continue to amaze us with the features they offer that go beyond reskining and texture work. Today’s mod fits in the category of infinitely useful mods.

Simply called Transfer Settlements, the mod allows you to export your settlement design into external data files. These files are called blueprints, and anyone else running the mod can then import them into their own game.

What’s more, as the mod’s description outlines, this could open the doors for shareable settlement blueprints on modding websites.

Once the mod is installed, you’ll find a holotape in your inventory called Transfer Settlements under Settings that captures the settlement design when used. All you need to do is use the tape at your settlement, and wait for it to export. You’ll find the blueprints under Data\F4SE\Plugins\TransferSettlements\blueprints in your Fallout 4 installation folder.

You can grab the mod from here. The link also has other tips to better utilise the mod. The mod is only available on PC.
