Battlefield 1 Spring Update sees the return of platoons and the introduction of password protected servers

By Shabana Arif

Team play is the focus of Battlefield 1’s Spring Update.

Battlefield 1‘s Spring Update is coming soon, and Westie is here to talk us through the changes that will be rolling out.

Amongst them are password protected servers, so clans can go nuts with their own private servers. They’ll be unranked, but it opens the door for competitions and tournaments in the community, and is great for content creators.

Rental servers now only require six players rather than 20, and we’ll see the return of platoons. The platoons have four ranks (General, Colonel, Lieutenant, and Private) and you can link rented servers to the platoon.

There are some other neat in-game features for platoons that you can check out in the video.

Four new level 10 weapon variants, 19 new ribbons, and five new dog tags to unlock will also be introduced.

Planes have been nerfed to give infantry a fighting chance, and Medics will be able to spot dead friendlies to give them a heads-up in their kill cam that someone is coming to revive them, which is a welcome new addition.

There are a number of other tweaks coming, so give Westie’s video a watch to get up to speed.

Currently there’s no confirmed date for the Spring Update, but hopefully we’ll see it before the end of the month.
