Buy Outlast 2 from the Humble Store, get the first game free

By Stephany Nunneley

Outlast 2 has been released, and if you’re planning to pick it up on PC, the Humble Store has a nice offer available.


Those who purchase Outlast 2 through the storefront will be handed a digital copy of the first game while supplies last, at no additional charge. The games are provided via Steam keys for Windows and are DRM-free for Windows.

Alternatively, Outlast Trinity is also available today, and it includes Outlast, the Whistle Blower DLC, and Outlast 2.

If you missed the launch trailer from last week, you can give it a watch through a previous post. You can check out the first 10 minutes of Outlast 2 if you want a look at what to expect.

Review scores for the game started popping up yesterday, and you can give those a scan as well.

Outlast 2 and Outlast Trinity are available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
