Mass Effect: Andromeda romance scenes – watch Scott and Sara Ryder explore new frontiers

By Sherif Saed

Mass Effect: Andromeda love scenes, for those of you who can’t be bothered with all that flirting and mission progress nonsense.


Mass Effect: Andromeda ups the ante on the franchise’s famous romances, with a wider selection of potential relationships and even more opportunities to knock boots in a variety of interesting new configurations.

Depending on whether you choose to play as Scott or Sara Ryder, your available Mass Effect Andromeda romance options will vary. This, in turn, affects the romance scenes you’re going to get in the game.

If you want to see all the scenes, you’re either going to have to play the game through multiple times in order to romance everyone … or just watch somebody else get down to business. That’s where we come in. That said, even if you’ve seen these ultimate moments it’s worth playing through the full romances yourself for the other sweet and tender moments you’ll experience along the way. (And in some cases, further banging.)

Some of these videos contain minor spoilers – not to mention the fact that many of them are NSFW. There may not be alien genitals on show, but there are butts and boobs aplenty.

Scott Ryder





Reyes (story spoilers)

Sara Ryder





You may need to catch your breath Mass Effect Andromeda is done with you. And to comb your hair. And to wipe that silly grin off your face. Ahem.
