Nioh guide: how to respec your character and reset your skill points

By Alex Donaldson

Made a mistake in Nioh? Here’s how to wipe the slate clean.

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Nioh is here, and it’s good. Tecmo Koei’s Souls-like is a proper mix of the From Software brand of RPG mixed with the action combat that Team Ninja is known for from its Ninja Gaiden days. It’s a pretty sublime combination, and it manages to strike that balance between difficulty and fun pretty damn well.

But there are still hard choices. Each time you level up you funnel points into one of eight major stat categories, plus you get Skill Points in unique categories for the Samurai, Ninja and Onmyo Magic skills. Each point invested impacts your abilities.

These things are permanent… or, well, almost permanent, because as the page title suggests, there is a way to respec in Nioh; it’s just hidden away. Here’s how to rebuild your William if you come to regret the path you’ve chosen:

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How to Respec in Nioh

To respec in Nioh, the first thing you’re going to need to do is complete the first two main story missions. This will unlock the Blacksmith, who is a pretty damn important upgrade house for the entirety of the game – but is also the place you’re going to get access to the thing you need to respec.

Once you have access to the blacksmith, head there. If you’re new to this, the blacksmith can be found by heading to the ‘starting point’ of any given area on the map. This is the location that all the roads ultimately lead to, and which is marked with a large building on the map screen. From here you can enter the smithy.

Inside the smithy, browse the items available for sale; you’re looking for The Book of Reincarnation. Initially it’s 10,000 gold, which is expensive but absolutely manageable. Once you’ve bought it, you can reach and use it via the Storehouse, which is also accessed from the starting point menu in any area.

When used, the book will wipe William clean: all your levels will disappear, as will all your spent skill points. The Amrita you’ve spent to level up thus far will be refunded to you, meaning you can then visit a shrine and level up all the points once again, choosing where to spend them as if they’re fresh levels. Nice! The same is true for your Samurai, Onmyo and Ninjutsu Magic skill points – all is refunded to you to spend again.

Later in the game you’ll also be able to buy Books of Reincarnation with Glory at the Hidden Teahouse store. There is a catch, however – and one that applies to both the Hidden Teahouse and Blacksmith. Both have an many of the Book of Reincarnation, but each time you purchase on the price for the next rises.

The first is 10,000 gold, but the second is three times that. This continues over and over right into millions of gold – so essentially unless you’re willing to grind a whole lot, respecs are fairly limited. Spend them wisely.

Nioh may be tough, but it is fair; if you’re really struggling even after a respec, check in with our Nioh guide for tips and tricks. Team Ninja didn’t go out of its way to explain Nioh, and its possible you’ve missed a trick or two.

Or it could just be that Nioh really is very hard. It’s kind of 50/50 there.

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