PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds developer already looking to port the game to Xbox One

By Sherif Saed

PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds developers already have plans to bring the multiplayer survival shooter to consoles.


PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds is the latest Steam, and Twitch phenomenon that’s out of reach for most console players, for the simple reason it’s a PC-only game for now.

But this won’t be the case forever, and developer Bluehole is already looking into porting it to Xbox One. Creative director Brendan “PlayerUnknown” Greene confirmed to Business Insider that a console version is not out of the question.

“We have a team working already on looking to port it to at least the Xbox [One],” he told the site. “We’re looking at both consoles of course, but we have no time frame for both.”

“We have no time frame yet exactly on Xbox [One] or PlayStation [4], but we are looking at it,” he reiterated.

When they do decide to focus on making a console port, it won’t be a massive undertaking, thanks to the fact the game uses Unreal Engine 4. “Porting to consoles isn’t that hard. It [Unreal Engine 4] is a great engine to use for multiplatform,” he said.

Right now, the focus is on getting the PC version out of Early Access, which Greene previously said would take five or six months. That’s where the majority of resources are going.
