This Witcher 3 mod gives Geralt a shield

By Sherif Saed

If there’s one thing The Witcher 3’s Geralt lacks, it’s a hunky piece of wood and metal to protect himself from danger.

Anyone who played The Witcher 3, or any of the older games, will tell you that protagonist Geralt doesn’t need a shield. That’s not just to say he’s badass, but more that his combat style doesn’t require one.

Not to mention of course the many spells at his disposal that shield him from danger and make equipping a shield useless. However, if you still prefer to have some protection to fall back on, this mod will do the trick.

Simply called Shields (via PCGamer), the mod adds over 40 shields for Geralt to choose from, each carrying the insignias of the different factions.

There are several shield designs in there, too, from basic wooden planks to ornate metal shields. The video above shows exactly how they work in the game, and you can also see a few of the included shields in the gallery above.

The mod also adds a number of other armour pieces and hoods, if you plan to go with a particular style.
