Art of Gaming: manipulating time with Life Is Strange, Super Hot and Wario Ware

By Matt Martin

The latest in our new series looks at the anticipation and pressure of playing with time.

From the pressure of ultra fast time trials to the anticipation of freezing time entirely, the concept of manipulating and playing with the clock is something unique to video games.

Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne, Prince of Persia and Quantum Break have all let us twist and travel through time, correcting mistakes, changing the environment and manipulating stories.

VG247 has teamed up with European culture channel ARTE to exclusively debut new episodes of Art of Gaming, a 10-part series looking at the most important games of the past few years.

Hosted by French gaming blogger Trinity and German journalist Melek Balgün, each episode sees the pair play classic games and discuss their impact on entertainment, the player and games culture at large.

In this episode of Art of Gaming, Trinity and journalist Blaise Mao speed things up playing Wario Ware, slow things down with Super Hot and outright manipulate time in Life is Strange.

More episodes of Art of Gaming will debut on VG247 every Friday throughout June and July.

ARTE, the European culture channel, has been subtitling its programmes since the launch of ARTE in English in November 2015.

The project is co-funded by the European Union and aims to bring Europeans together through a shared love of culture. Find out more about ARTE in English here.
