Blizzard is working on an unannounced shooter, according to new job listings

By Sherif Saed

Is Blizzard expanding Overwatch or is there really a new shooter in development at the mega-studio?


Blizzard recently posted new job openings on its careers website that make it sound like it’s working on a new shooter.

Spotted by NeoGAF, there are three jobs on that page that are worth looking into. All three are listed under “unannounced project”, and all based in Blizzard’s HQ in Irvine. None of them are for a mobile game, though other jobs for unannounced mobile games do exist.

The first is an ad for a lead software engineer to work on “a robust first-person engine.” The ideal candidate should have “experience working on first-person or other action-oriented games,” according to the page.

The other, also for a lead software engineer explains the project further by calling it “an unannounced project that utilises a robust first-person engine.” This job too is for a candidate with experience working on shooter and action games.

Finally, the third job posting is for a senior technical animation artist. As you may have guessed, it’s another one for someone with “experience with games that use a first-person perspective.”

This could in fact be for a new shooter Blizzard is working on, or some form of expansion – perhaps a story campaign – for Overwatch. Before Overwatch, Blizzard wasn’t exactly known for making shooters, but after the phenomenal success of that game, it’s possible more could be on the way.
