Final Fantasy 15’s teaser for Episode Ignis is miserable. Potential spoilers ahead.
Final Fantasy 15‘s Episode Prompto is out today, and once you finish the story, you’ll be rewarded with a peek at Ignis’ fate after he split off from the group.
The teaser’s dialogue isn’t audible, but there is a familiar face who appears to have a had hand in Ignis’ predicament, so as always, if you want to avoid spoilers, you should probably give it a miss.
The end of the teaser gives us a release window of December 2017, so we have a long wait ahead.
If you’re a fan of Ignis, seeing him like this is going to tug at your heart stings, but the sound of his glasses breaking at the end is going to be like a punch to the gut.
Have you completed Episode Prompto yet? What are your thoughts on the teaser? Chime in below.
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