Crackdown 3 trailer confirms Terry Crews is in the game as Commanding Agent Isaiah Jaxon

By Shabana Arif

Terry Crews finally gets immortalised in a video game courtesy of Crackdown 3.

Crackdown 3 was revealed at E3 2017, with a live action intro starring Terry Crews as Commander Jaxon. Outside of the trailer, Microsoft didn’t say anything else about the game, glossing over their first-party console exclusive.

No direct capture of the gameplay was allowed at the event and it was a whole month before we got to see direct-feed gameplay that Microsoft sent to YouTuber theRadBrad, and it wasn’t fantastic.

I don’t think anyone was as disappointed about the lack of Crackdown 3 promotion by Microsoft as Matt Martin, who summed it up by saying that “Microsoft’s lack of confidence in its own game shouts louder right now than Terry Crews does.” You can read more about what he thought right here.

While the gameplay looks lacklustre right now, GameSpot shared the Commander Jaxon reveal trailer from San Diego Comic Con which shows Terry Crews in all his digital glory as Commanding Agent Isaiah Jaxon.

Terry Crews may not have made it into Overwatch as Doomfist, but at least we can play him in something.

If Crackdown 3 isn’t your cup of tea, and the lack of Terry in Overwatch has got you down, there may still be a chance of him showing up in Overwatch at some point, so keep the hope alive.

What are your thoughts on Crackdown 3? Do you think it’ll be a letdown, or are you looking forward to diving in when it releases on November 7 on PC and Xbox One?

Chime in below.
