Destiny 2: all Warlock Voidwalker subclass skills and abilities

By Brenna Hillier

Destiny 2 brings back an old favourite subclass, the Warlock’s Voidwalker, and it’s deadlier than ever.

Destiny 2 players who choose the Voidwalker subclass can expect to fit right into the Warlock paradigm of tricky, looping DPS builds.

The Voidwalker’s super, Nova Bomb, has the same description as ever but can be specced in two different ways. Those who chose the Attunement of Chaos passive skill tree will fire a slower projectile which tracks enemies and splits into multiple projectiles. It may be easier for enemies to dodge, but it’s more persistent – although it can be blown up with a weapon to detonate early. On the other hand, the Attunement of Hunger passive skill tree turns Nova Bomb into a singularity that continually damages enemies trapped inside.

Destiny 2 makes no changes to the Voidwalker’s grenades, so you can once again choose from the Vortex Grenade (damage over time on trapped enemies), the Axion Bolt (multiple seeking projectiles) or the Scatter Grenade (multiple projectiles with a large area of effect).

Grenades are a little less powerful in Destiny 2, but the Attunement of Chaos path allows Voidwalkers to sacrifice Super charge in order to power up grenades. On the other hand if you’re not into grenades, you can use the Attunement of Hunger path and consume your grenade charge to restore your health.

Other options in the Voidwalker’s passive trees allow Voidwalkers to charge their health or grenade, and to blow up enemies killed with abilities. Neat.

As with all Warlocks Voidwalkers can summon a Rift to either heal or provide a damage boost, and choose between two versions of Glide or Blink for their mobility ability. Note that you can still use Glide even with Blink active, if you hold Circle/B while jumping rather than hit the jump button again. This works with any of the Warlock’s mobility abilities.

For more detail on all of this, check out the video guide from Arekkz, or scroll down further for the full skill tree in text format. You may also want to check out some footage of the Warlock Voidwalker in Destiny 2 PvP, just to see how it all comes together.

This page is part of our Destiny 2 class and subclass guide; visit it to explore other Warlock options, as well as Hunter and Titan subclasses.

    Super: Nova Bomb

  • Hurl an explosive bolt of Void Light at the enemy, disintegrating those caught within its blast.

  • Vortex Grenade:
    A grenade that creates a Vortex which continually damages enemies trapped inside.
  • Axion Bolt
    A bolt of Void Light that forks into smaller bolts on impact that seek out enemies.
  • Scatter Grenade
    A grenade that splits into many submunitions and covers a large area with multiple explosions.
    Class ability: Rift

  • Healing Rift
    Press and hold Circle/B to conjure a well of Light that continuously heals those inside it.
  • Empowering Rift
    Press and hold Circle/B to conjure a well of Light that increases weapon damage for those inside it.
    Mobility: Glide

  • Strafe Glide
    Jump when airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with strong directional control.
  • Blink
    Jump while airborne to teleport a short distance.
  • Burst Glide
    Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed.
    Attunement of Chaos – passive tree

  • Chaos Accelerant
    Hold L1 to draw power from your Super to overcharge your grenade, making it deadlier and more effective.
  • Bloom
    Void ability kills cause enemies to explode.
  • Cataclysm
    Nova Bomb travels slowly and seeks enemies. Detonations shatter into smaller seeker projectiles. Fire your weapon at the Nova Bomb to detonate it early.
  • Entropic Pull
    Strike an enemy with this Melee Ability to drain your enemy’s life force and use it to recharge your grenade.
    Attunement of Hunger – passive tree

  • Devour
    Kill an enemy with this melee ability to fully regenerate your health. For a short time afterward, kills restore additional health.
  • Feed the Void
    Hold L1 to consume your grenade energy to regenerate your health. Grants the Devour effect.
  • Insatiable
    While the Devour effect is active, killing enemies extends its duration and recharges your grenade.
  • Vortex
    Nova Bomb creates a singularity which continually damages enemies trapped inside.
