Before you catch them, know them.
Anybody who was around for the original Pokemon craze of the 90s likely remembers much of the original Pokedex, but the memory does fade – and so for old players and new alike we’ve gathered the Kanto Pokedex here, the original 151 Pokemon that now also are appearing around the Earth inside Pokemon Go.
With the Gen 2 update, we’ve added the additional 100 entries for the Johto Pokedex too.
Pokemon Go Pokedex: Including Moves, Types and Evolution Candy Costs
The Pokedex we’ve put together below includes not only a full list of the Pokemon but also tells you a few other key pieces of information that’ll prove useful when playing Pokemon Go.
First off, we list each Pokemon’s type. Type is vital in Pokemon Go as it helps to determine who wins in battles; each Pokemon type has strengths and weaknesses, and so a fire Pokemon with fire-type moves is never going to perform very well against water, but will annihilate grass.
It’s important to understand the type make-up of your team and what it means for battling and Pokemon type also influences where they can be found in the wild, so we’ve listed every Pokemon’s type here. You can find more information on Pokemon Types and how they work elsewhere in our guide.
We also list each Pokemon’s evolutionary trail and how much candy it costs to evolve them. Candy is a scarce and limited resource in Pokemon Go, and surprisingly Niantic haven’t even made it so you can pay your way to getting more. Farming for candy is time-consuming business and also takes a lot of Pokeballs, so we’ve included the cost to evolve Pokemon on this list so you can make an informed decision about who to evolve and when, and you may want to evolve towards the overall most powerful Pokemon in the game.
Finally and perhaps most vitally, we list the possible moves each Pokemon can have. In Pokemon Go any creature will have two moves: a fast attack and a special attack. These are chosen at random from a pool of attacks that Pokemon can have. Typically a Fast Attack will be chosen from a pair of candidates and a Special Attack will be chosen from three or more. You can find that below, and it’s ideal for cross-referencing with our list of the most powerful moves in the game.
Pokemon Go Complete Pokedex: The Kanto Region #1 – #151
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Vine Whip
- Special Attacks: Power Whip, Seed Bomb, Sludge Bomb
- Evolves into: Ivysaur (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Vine Whip
- Special Attacks: Power Whip, Sludge Bomb, Solar Beam
- Evolves from: Bulbasaur
- Evolves Into: Venusaur (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Vine Whip
- Special Attacks: Petal Blizzard, Sludge Bomb, Solar Beam
- Evolves from: Ivysaur
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Ember
- Special Attacks: Flame Burst, Flame Charge, Flamethrower
- Evolves into: Charmeleon (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Ember
- Special Attacks: Fire Punch, Flame Burst, Flamethrower
- Evolves from: Charmander
- Evolves Into: Charizard (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Fire / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Wing Attack
- Special Attacks: Dragon Claw, Fire Blast, Flamethrower
- Evolves from: Charmeleon
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Bubble
- Special Attacks: Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Water Pulse
- Evolves into: Wartortle (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Water Gun
- Special Attacks: Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam
- Evolves from: Squirtle
- Evolves Into: Blastoise (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Water Gun
- Special Attacks: Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
- Evolves from: Wartortle
- Type: Bug
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Bug Bite
- Special Attacks: Struggle
- Evolves Into: Metapod (Cost: 12 candy)
- Type: Bug
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Bug Bite
- Special Attacks: Struggle
- Evolves from: Caterpie
- Evolves into: Butterfree (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Bug / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Bug Bite
- Special Attacks: Psychic, Bug Buzz, Signal Beam
- Evolves from: Metapod
- Type: Bug, Poison
- Fast Attacks: Bug Bite, Poison Sting
- Special Attacks: Struggle
- Evolves Into: Kakuna (Cost: 12 candy)
- Type: Bug, Poison
- Fast Attacks: Bug Bite, Poison Sting
- Special Attacks: Struggle
- Evolves from: Weedle
- Evolves into: Beedrill (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Bug, Poison
- Fast Attacks: Bug Bite, Poison Jab
- Special Attacks: Aerial Ace, Sludge Bomb, X-Scissor
- Evolves from: Kakuna
- Type: Normal, Flying
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Twister, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter
- Evolves Into: Pidgeotto (Cost: 12 candy)
- Type: Normal, Flying
- Fast Attacks: Wing Attack, Steel Wing
- Special Attacks: Twister, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter
- Evolves from: Pidgey
- Evolves into: Pidgeot(Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Normal, Flying
- Fast Attacks: Wing Attack, Steel Wing
- Special Attacks: Hurricane, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter
- Evolves from: Pidgeotto
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Dig, Hyper Fang, Body Slam
- Evolves Into: Raticate (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Dig, Hyper Fang, Hyper Beam
- Evolves from: Rattata
- Type: Normal / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Peck, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Dig, Hyper Fang, Body Slam
- Evolves Into: Fearow (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Normal / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Peck, Steel Wing
- Special Attacks: Aerial Ace, Twister, Drill Run
- Evolves from: Spearow
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Acid, Poison Sting
- Special Attacks: Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Wrap
- Evolves Into: Arbok (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Acid, Bite
- Special Attacks: Gunk Shot, Sludge Wave, Dark Pulse
- Evolves from: Ekans
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Thunder Shock, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, Discharge, Thunder
- Evolves From: Pichu
- Evolves Into: Raichu (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Thunder Shock, Spark
- Special Attacks: Brick Break, Thunder Punch, Thunder
- Evolves From: Pikachu
- Type: Ground
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Mud Show
- Special Attacks: Dig, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb
- Evolves Into: Sandslash (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Ground
- Fast Attacks: Metal Claw, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Rock Tomb, Bulldoze, Earthquake
- Evolves from: Sandshrew
Nidoran ♀
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Poison Sting, Bite
- Special Attacks: Poison Fang, Sludge Bomb, Body Slam
- Evolves Into: Nidorina (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Poison Sting, Bite
- Special Attacks: Poison Fang, Sludge Bomb, Dig
- Evolves from: Nidoran ♀
- Evolves into: Nidoqueen (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Poison / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Poison Jab, Bite
- Special Attacks: Stone Edge, Sludge Wave, Earthquake
- Evolves from: Nidorina
Nidoran ♂
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Poison Sting, Peck
- Special Attacks: Horn Attack, Body Slam, Sludge Bomb
- Evolves Into: Nidorino (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Poison Jab, Bite
- Special Attacks: Horn Attack, Dig, Sludge Bomb
- Evolves from: Nidoran ♂
- Evolves into: Beedrill (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Poison / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Poison Jab, Fury Cutter
- Special Attacks: Megahorn, Earthquake, Sludge Wave
- Evolves from: Nidorino
- Type: Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Zen Headbutt, Pound
- Special Attacks: Body Slam, Disarming Voice, Moonblast
- Evolves From: Cleffa
- Evolves Into: Clefable (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Zen Headbutt, Pound
- Special Attacks: Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast
- Evolves From: Clefairy
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Quick Attack, Ember
- Special Attacks: Heat Wave, Fire Blast, Flamethrower
- Evolves Into: Ninetales (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Feint Attack, Ember
- Special Attacks: Heat Wave, Fire Blast, Flamethrower
- Evolves from: Vulpix
- Type: Normal / Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Feint Attack, Pound
- Special Attacks: Disarming Voice, Body Slam, Play Rough
- Evolves From: Igglybuff
- Evolves Into: Wigglytuff (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Normal / Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Feint Attack, Pound
- Special Attacks: Dazzling Gleam, Hyper Beam, Play Rough
- Evolves From: Jigglypuff
- Type: Poison / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Quick Attack, Bite
- Special Attacks: Sludge Bomb, Poison Fang, Air Cutter
- Evolves Into: Golbat (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Poison / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Wing Attack
- Special Attacks: Ominous Wind, Poison Fang, Air Cutter
- Evolves From: Zubat
- Evolves Into: Crobat (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Acid
- Special Attacks: Moonblast, Seed Bomb, Sludge Bomb
- Evolves Into: Gloom (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Acid
- Special Attacks: Moonblast, Petal Blizzard, Sludge Bomb
- Evolves from: Oddish
- Evolves into: Vileplume (Cost: 100 candy)/ Bellossom (Cost: 1 Sun Stone, 100 candy)(
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Acid
- Special Attacks: Moonblast, Petal Blizzard, Solar Beam
- Evolves from: Gloom
- Type: Bug / Grass
- Fast Attacks: Bug Bite, Fury Cutter
- Special Attacks: Seed Bomb, X-Scissor, Cross Poison
- Evolves Into: Parasect (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Bug / Grass
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Wing Attack
- Special Attacks: Solar Beam, X-Scissor, Cross Poison
- Evolves From: Paras
- Type: Bug / Grass
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Bug Bite
- Special Attacks: Signal Beam, Poison Fang, Psybeam
- Evolves Into: Venomoth (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Bug / Grass
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Bug Bite
- Special Attacks: Bug buzz, Poison Fang, Psychic
- Evolves From: Venonat
- Type: Ground
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Rock Tomb, Dig, Mud Bomb
- Evolves Into: Dugtrio (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Ground
- Fast Attacks: Sucker Punch, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Stone Edge, Earthquake, Mud Bomb
- Evolves From: Diglett
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Bite
- Special Attacks: Dark Pulse, Night Slash, Body Slam
- Evolves Into: Persian (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Feint Attack
- Special Attacks: Play Rough, Power Gem, Night Slash
- Evolves From: Meowth
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Zen Headbutt, Water Gun
- Special Attacks: Aqua Tail, Cross Chop, Psybeam
- Evolves Into: Golduck (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Water Gun
- Special Attacks: Ice Beam, Psychic, Hydro pump
- Evolves From: Psyduck
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Karate Chop
- Special Attacks: Brick Break, Cross Chop, Low Sweep
- Evolves Into: Primeape (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Karate Chop, Low Kick
- Special Attacks: Night Slash, Cross Chop, Low Sweep
- Evolves From: Mankey
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Ember
- Special Attacks: Flame Wheel, Body Slam, Flamethrower
- Evolves Into: Arcanine (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Fire Fang
- Special Attacks: Fire Blast, Bulldoze, Flamethrower
- Evolves From: Growlithe
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Bubble, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Body Slam, Bubble Beam, Mud Bomb
- Evolves Into: Gloom (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Bubble, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Scald, Bubble Beam, Mud Bomb
- Evolves from: Poliwag
- Evolves into: Poliwrath (Cost: 100 candy)/ Politoed (Cost: 1 King’s Rock, 100 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Bubble, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Ice Punch, Submission, Hydro Pump
- Evolves from: Poliwhirl
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Psyshock
- Evolves Into: Kadabra (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Psycho Cut
- Special Attacks: Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Psybeam
- Evolves from: Abra
- Evolves into: Alakazam (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Psycho Cut
- Special Attacks: Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic
- Evolves from: Kadabra
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Low Kick, Karate Chop
- Special Attacks: Brick Break, Cross Chop, Low Sweep
- Evolves Into: Machoke (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Low Kick, Karate Chop
- Special Attacks: Brick Break, Cross Chop, Submission
- Evolves from: Machop
- Evolves into: Machamp (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Bullet Punch, Karate Chop
- Special Attacks: Stone Edge, Cross Chop, Submission
- Evolves from: Machoke
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Acid, Vine Whip
- Special Attacks: Sludge Bomb, Power Whip, Wrap
- Evolves Into: Weepinbell (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Acid, Razor Leaf
- Special Attacks: Sludge Bomb, Power Whip, Seed Bomb
- Evolves from: Bellsprout
- Evolves into: Victreebel (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Acid, Razor Leaf
- Special Attacks: Sludge Bomb, Leaf Blade, Solar Beam
- Evolves from: Weepinbell
- Type: Water / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Bubble, Poison Sting
- Special Attacks: Bubble Beam, Water Pulse, Wrap
- Evolves Into: Tentacruel (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Acid, Poison Jab
- Special Attacks: Blizzard, Sludge Wave, Hydro Pump
- Evolves from: Tentacool
- Type: Rock / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Rock Throw
- Special Attacks: Rock Slide, Dig, Rock Tomb
- Evolves Into: Graveler (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Rock / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Mud Shot, Rock Throw
- Special Attacks: Rock Slide, Dig, Stone Edge
- Evolves from: Geodude
- Evolves into: Golem (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Rock / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Mud Shot, Rock Throw
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Earthquake, Stone Edge
- Evolves from: Graveler
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Ember
- Special Attacks: Flame Wheel, Fire Blast, Flame Charge
- Evolves Into: Rapidash (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Low Kick
- Special Attacks: Heat Wave, Fire Blast, Drill Run
- Evolves From: Ponyta
- Type: Water / Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Confusion
- Special Attacks: Psychic, Water Pulse, Psyshock
- Evolves Into: Slowbro (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water / Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Confusion
- Special Attacks: Psychic, Water Pulse, Ice Beam
- Evolves From: Slowpoke
- Evolves Into: Slowking (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Electric / Steel
- Fast Attacks: Spark, Thunder Shock
- Special Attacks: Magnet Bomb, Discharge, Thunderbolt
- Evolves Into: Magneton (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Electric / Steel
- Fast Attacks: Spark, Thunder Shock
- Special Attacks: Magnet Bomb, Discharge, Flash Cannon
- Evolves From: Magnemite
- Type: Normal / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Fury Cutter, Cut
- Special Attacks: Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Leaf Blade
- Type: Normal / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Peck, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Swift, Aerial Ace, Drill Peck
- Evolves Into: Dodrio (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Normal / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Steel Wing, Feint Attack
- Special Attacks: Drill Peck, Aerial Ace, Fury Cutter
- Evolves From: Doduo
- Type: Electric / Steel
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Ice Shard
- Special Attacks: Aqua Jet, Icy Wind, Aqua Tail
- Evolves Into: Dewgong (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Electric / Steel
- Fast Attacks: Frost Breath, Ice Shard
- Special Attacks: Aqua Jet, Icy Wind, Blizzard
- Evolves From: Seel
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Mud Slap, Acid
- Special Attacks: Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Mud Bomb
- Evolves Into: Muk (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Poison Jab, Acid
- Special Attacks: Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse
- Evolves From: Grimer
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Ice Shard
- Special Attacks: Bubble Beam, Icy Wind, Water Pulse
- Evolves Into: Cloyster (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water / Ice
- Fast Attacks: Frost Breath, Ice Shard
- Special Attacks: Icy Wind, Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump
- Evolves From: Shellder
- Type: Ghost / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Lick, Sucker Punch
- Special Attacks: Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Ominous Wind
- Evolves Into: Haunter(Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Ghost / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Lick, Sucker Punch
- Special Attacks: Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball
- Evolves from: Gastly
- Evolves into: Gengar (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Ghost / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Shadow Claw, Sucker Punch
- Special Attacks: Dark Pulse, Sludge Wave, Shadow Ball
- Evolves from: Haunter
- Type: Rock / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Rock Throw
- Special Attacks: Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Iron Head
- Evolves Into: Steelix (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Pound, Confusion
- Special Attacks: Psychic, Psyshock, Psybeam
- Evolves Into: Hypno (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Zen Headbutt, Confusion
- Special Attacks: Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball
- Evolves From: Drowzee
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Bubble, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Vice Grip, Water Pulse, Bubble Beam
- Evolves Into: Kingler (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Metal Claw, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Vice Grip, Water Pulse, X-Scissor
- Evolves From: Krabby
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Spark
- Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, Discharge, Signal Beam
- Evolves Into: Electrode (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Spark
- Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, Discharge, Hyper Beam
- Evolves From: Voltorb
- Type: Grass / Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Confusion
- Special Attacks: Psychic, Seed Bomb, Ancient Power
- Evolves Into: Exeggutor (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Grass / Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Psychic, Seed Bomb, Solar Beam
- Evolves From: Exeggcute
- Type: Ground
- Fast Attacks: Rock Smash, Mud Slap
- Special Attacks: Bone Club, Dig, Bulldoze
- Evolves Into: Marowak (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Ground
- Fast Attacks: Rock Smash, Mud Slap
- Special Attacks: Bone Club, Dig, Earthquake
- Evolves From: Cubone
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Low Kick, Rock Smash
- Special Attacks: Low Sweep, Stone Edge, Stomp
- Evolves From: Tyrogue
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Bullet Punch, Rock Smash
- Special Attacks: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Brick Break
- Evolves From: Tyrogue
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Lick, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Stomp, Power Whip, Hyper Beam
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Acid
- Special Attacks: Dark Pulse, Sludge, Sludge Bomb
- Evolves Into: Weezing (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Poison
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Acid
- Special Attacks: Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball
- Evolves From: Koffing
- Type: Ground / Rock
- Fast Attacks: Rock Smash, Mud Slap
- Special Attacks: Stomp, Bulldoze, Horn Attack
- Evolves Into: Rhydon (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Ground / Rock
- Fast Attacks: Rock Smash, Mud Slap
- Special Attacks: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Megahorn
- Evolves From: Rhyhorn
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Pound, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Dazzling Gleam, Psybeam, Psychic
- Evolves Into: Blissey (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Grass
- Fast Attacks: Vine Whip
- Special Attacks: Sludge Bomb, Solar Beam, Power Whip
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Low Kick, Mud Slap
- Special Attacks: Earthquake, Brick Break, Stomp
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Bubble
- Special Attacks: Bubble Beam, Dragon Pulse, Flash Cannon
- Evolves Into: Seadra (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Dragon Breath
- Special Attacks: Dragon Pulse, Blizzard, Hydro Pump
- Evolves From: Horsea
- Evolves Into: Kingdra (Cost: 100 candy, 1 Dragon Scale)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Mud Shot, Peck
- Special Attacks: Aqua Tail, Horn Attack, Water Pulse
- Evolves Into: Seaking (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Poison Jab, Peck
- Special Attacks: Drill Run, Megahorn, Icy Wind
- Evolves From: Goldeen
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Bubble Beam, Power Gem, Swift
- Evolves Into: Starmie (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water / Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Hydro Pump, Power Gem, Psybeam
- Evolves From: Staryu
Mr. Mime
- Type: Psychic / Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Shadow Ball, Psybeam, Psychic
- Type: Bug / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Steel Wing, Fury Cutter
- Special Attacks: Bug Buzz, X-Scissor, Night Slash
- Evolves Into: Scizor (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Ice / Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Pound, Frost Breath
- Special Attacks: Psyshock, Ice Punch, Draining Kiss
- Evolves From: Smoochum
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Low Kick, Thunder Shock
- Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Punch
- Evolves From: Elekid
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Karate Chop
- Special Attacks: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Fire Punch
- Evolves From: Magby
- Type: Bug
- Fast Attacks: Fury Cutter, Rock Smash
- Special Attacks: Submission, Vice Grip, X-Scissor
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Earthquake, Iron Head, Horn Attack
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Splash
- Special Attacks: Struggle
- Evolves Into: Gyarados (Cost: 400 candy)
- Type: Water / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Dragon Breath
- Special Attacks: Twister, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse
- Evolves From: Magikarp
- Type: Water / Ice
- Fast Attacks: Frost Breath, Ice Shard
- Special Attacks: Blizzard, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Pound
- Special Attacks: Struggle
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Body Slam, Dig, Swift
- Evolves Into: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, or Umbreon at random – or use our Eevee evolution guide (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun
- Special Attacks: Aqua Tail, Hydro Pump, Water Pulse
- Evolves From: Eevee
- Type: Thunder
- Fast Attacks: Thunder Shock
- Special Attacks: Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder
- Evolves From: Eevee
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Ember
- Special Attacks: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Heat Wave
- Evolves From: Eevee
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Discharge, Psybeam, Signal Beam
- Evolves Into: Porygon 2 (Cost: 50 candy, 1 Up-Grade)
- Type: Rock / Water
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Brine, Rock Tomb
- Evolves Into: Omastar (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Rock / Water
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Rock Throw
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Hydro Pump, Rock Slide
- Evolves From: Omanyte
- Type: Rock / Water
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Aqua Jet, Ancient Power, Rock Tomb
- Evolves Into: Kabutops (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Rock / Water
- Fast Attacks: Fury Cutter, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Water Pulse, Stone Edge
- Evolves From: Kabuto
- Type: Rock / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Steel Wing
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Iron Head, Hyper Beam
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Lick, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Body Slam, Earthquake, Hyper Beam
- Type: Ice / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Frost Breath
- Special Attacks: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Icy Wind
- Type: Electric / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Thunder Shock
- Special Attacks: Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder
- Type: Fire / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Ember
- Special Attacks: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Heat Wave
- Type: Dragon
- Fast Attacks: Dragon Breath
- Special Attacks: Aqua Tail, Twister, Wrap
- Evolves Into: Dragonair (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Dragon
- Fast Attacks: Dragon Breath
- Special Attacks: Aqua Tail, Dragon Pulse, Wrap
- Evolves from: Dratini
- Evolves into: Dragonite (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Dragon / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Dragon Breath, Steel Wing
- Special Attacks: Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Beam
- Evolves from: Dragonair
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Psycho Cut
- Special Attacks: Hyper Beam, Psychic, Shadow Ball
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Pound
- Special Attacks: Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Hyper Beam, Hurricane, Moonblast, Psychic, Solar Beam

Pokemon Go Complete Pokedex: The Johto Region #152 – #251
- Type: Grass
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Vine Whip
- Special Attacks: Energy Ball, Body Slam, Grass Know
- Evolves Into: Bayleef (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Grass
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Tackle
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Energy Ball, Grass Know
- Evolves From: Chikorita
- Evolves Into: Meganium (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Grass
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Vine Whip
- Special Attacks: Earthquake, Solar Beam, Petal Blizzard
- Evolves From: Bayleef
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Tackle
- Special Attacks: Flame Charge, Swift, Flamethrower
- Evolves Into: Quilava (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Tackle
- Special Attacks: Flame Charger, Dig, Flamethrower
- Evolves From: Cyndaquil
- Evolves Into: Typhlosion (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Shadow Claw
- Special Attacks: Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Overheat
- Evolves From: Quilava
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Water Gun
- Special Attacks: Aqua Jet, Crunch, Water Pulse
- Evolves Into: Croconaw (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Scratch
- Special Attacks: Crunch, Water Pulse, Ice Punch
- Evolves From: Totodile
- Evolves Into: Feraligatr (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Bite
- Special Attacks: Crunch, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
- Evolves From: Croconaw
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Scratch, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Dig, Brick Break, Grass Knot
- Evolves Into: Furret (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Quick Attack, Sucker Punch
- Special Attacks: Dig, Brick Break, Hyper Beam
- Evolves From: Sentret
- Type: Normal / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Peck, Feint Attack
- Special Attacks: Aerial Ace, Sky Attack, Night Shade
- Evolves Into: Noctowl (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Normal/ Flying
- Fast Attacks: Wing Attack, Extrasensory
- Special Attacks: Night Shade, Sky Attack, Psychic
- Evolves From: Hoothoot
- Type: Bug/ Flying
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Bug Bite
- Special Attacks: Silver Wind, Swift, Aerial Ace
- Evolves Into: Ledian (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Bug/ Flying
- Fast Attacks: Struggle Bug, Bug Bite
- Special Attacks: Silver Wind, Aerial Ace, Bug Buzz
- Evolves From: Ledyba
- Type: Bug / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Poison Sting, Bug Bite
- Special Attacks: Night Slash, Signal Beam, Cross Poison
- Evolves Into: Ariados (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Bug / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Poison Sting, Infestation
- Special Attacks: Shadow Sneak, Megahorn, Cross Poison
- Evolves From: Spinarak
- Type: Poison / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Air Slash, Bite
- Special Attacks: Shadow Ball, Air Cutter, Sludge Bomb
- Evolves From: Golbat
- Type: Water / Electric
- Fast Attacks: Bubble, Spark
- Special Attacks: Water Pulse, Bubble Beam, Thunderbolt
- Evolves Into: Lanturn (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water / Electric
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Charge Beam
- Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump, Thunder
- Evolves From: Chinchou
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Thunder Shock, Thunderbolt
- Special Attacks: Disarming Voice, Thunder Punch
- Evolves Into: Pikachu (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Pound, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Grass Knot, Psyshock, Signal Beam
- Evolves Into: Clefairy (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Normal / Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Pound, Feint Attack
- Special Attacks: Wild Charge, Shadow Ball, Psychic
- Evolves Into: Jigglypuff (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Hidden Power, Peck
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam
- Evolves Into: Togetic (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Fairy / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Extrasensory, Hidden Power
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Aerial Ace, Dazzling Gleam
- Evolves From: Togepi
- Type: Psychic / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Peck, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Night Shade, Psyshock, Drill Peck
- Evolves Into: Xatu (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Psychic / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Air Slash, Feint Attack
- Special Attacks: Ominous Wind, Futuresight Aerial Ace
- Evolves From: Natu
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Thunder Shock
- Special Attacks: Body Slam, Thunderbolt, Discharge
- Evolves Into: Flaaffy (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Charge Beam
- Special Attacks: Power Gem, Thunderbolt, Discharge
- Evolves From: Mareep
- Evolves Into: Ampharos (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Charge Beam, Volt Switch
- Special Attacks: Zap Cannon, Focus Blast, Thunder
- Evolves From: Flaaffy
- Type: Grass
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Acid
- Special Attacks: Leaf Blade, Petal Blizzard, Dazzling Gleam
- Evolves From: Gloom
- Type: Water / Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Bubble
- Special Attacks: Bubble Beam, Aqual Tail, Body Slam
- Evolves Into: Azumarill (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Water / Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Bubble , Rock Smash
- Special Attacks: Play Rough, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam
- Evolves From: Marill
- Type: Rock
- Fast Attacks: Rock Throw, Counter
- Special Attacks: Stone Edge, Earthquake, Rock Slide
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Mud Shot, Bubble
- Special Attacks: Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Earthquake
- Evolves From: Poliwhirl
- Type: Grass / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Bullet Seed
- Special Attacks: Grass Knot, Dazzling Gleam, Seed Bomb
- Evolves Into: Skiploom (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Grass / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Bullet Seed
- Special Attacks: Grass Knot, Dazzling Gleam, Energy Ball
- Evolves From: Hoppip
- Evolves Into: Jumpluff (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Grass / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Infestation, Bullet Seed
- Special Attacks: Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Solar Beam
- Evolves From: Skiploom
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Scratch , Astonish
- Special Attacks: Low Sweep, Swift, Aerial Ace
- Type: Grass
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Cut
- Special Attacks: Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Seed Bomb
- Evolves Into: Sunflora (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Grass
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf, Bullet Seed
- Special Attacks: Solar Beam, Petal Blizzard, Sludge Bomb
- Evolves From: Sunkern
- Type: Bug / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Quick Attack, Wing Attack
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Aerial Ace, Silver Wind
- Type: Water / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Mud Bomb, Dig, Body Slam
- Evolves Into: Quagsire (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Mud Shot
- Special Attacks: Sludge Bomb, Earthquake, Stone Edge
- Evolves From: Wooper
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Confusion, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Psybeam, Psychic, Futuresight
- Evolves From: Eevee
- Type: Dark
- Fast Attacks: Feint Attack, Snarl
- Special Attacks: Dark Pulse, Foul Play
- Evolves From: Eevee
- Type: Dark / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Peck, Feint Attack
- Special Attacks: Drill Peck, Foul Play, Dark Pulse
- Type: Water / Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Confusion
- Special Attacks: Fire Blast , Psychic , Blizzard
- Evolves From: Slowbro
- Type: Ghost
- Fast Attacks: Astonish, Hex
- Special Attacks: Shadow Sneak, Ominous Wind, Dark Pulse
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Hidden Power, Struggle
- Type: Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Splash, Splash
- Special Attacks: Mirror Coat
- Type: Normal / Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Confusion
- Special Attacks: Mirror Coat, Thunderbolt, Psychic
- Type: Bug
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Confusion
- Special Attacks: Mirror Coat, Thunderbolt, Psychic
- Evolves Into: Forretress (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Bug/ Steel
- Fast Attacks: Bug Bite, Struggle Bug
- Special Attacks: Rock Tomb, Earthquake, Heavy Slam
- Evolves From: Pineco
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Astonish
- Special Attacks: Dig, Drill Run, Rock Slide
- Type: Ground / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Astonish
- Special Attacks: Dig, Drill Run, Rock Slide
- Type: Steel / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Dragon Tail, Iron Tail
- Special Attacks: Crunch, Heavy Slam, Earthquake
- Evolves From: Onix
- Type: Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Tackle
- Special Attacks: Crunch, Dazzling Gleam, Brick Break
- Evolves Into: Granbull (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Fairy
- Fast Attacks: Bite , Snarl
- Special Attacks: Crunch, Play Rough, Close Combat
- Evolves From: Snubbull
- Type: Water / Poison
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Poison Sting
- Special Attacks: Aqual Tail, Ice Beam, Sludge Wave
- Type: Bug / Steel
- Fast Attacks: Fury Cutter, Bullet Punch
- Special Attacks: Night Slash, x Scissor, Iron Head
- Evolves From: Scyther
- Type: Bug / Rock
- Fast Attacks: Struggle Bug, Rock Throw
- Special Attacks: Rock Blast , Gyro Ball, Stone Edge
- Type: Bug / Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Struggle Bug, Counter
- Special Attacks: Earthquake, Megahorn, Close Combat
- Type: Dark / Ice
- Fast Attacks: Ice Shard, Feint Attack
- Special Attacks: Ice Punch, Avalanche, Foul Play
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Lick, Scratch
- Special Attacks: Crunch, Play Rough, Cross Chop
- Evolves Into: Ursaring (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Metal Claw, Counter
- Special Attacks: Play Rough, Hyper Beam, Close Combat
- Evolves From: Teddiursa
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Rock Throw
- Special Attacks: Flame Charge, Flame Burst, Rock Slide
- Evolves Into: Magcargo (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Fire / Rock
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Rock Throw
- Special Attacks: Heat Wave, Overheat, Stone Edge
- Evolves From: Slugma
- Type: Ice / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Powder Snow, Tackle
- Special Attacks: Icy Wind, Body Slam, Rock Slide
- Evolves Into: Piloswine (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Ice / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Powder Snow, Ice Shard
- Special Attacks: Bulldoze, Avalanche, Stone Edge
- Evolves From: Swinub
- Type: Water / Rock
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Bubble
- Special Attacks: Bubble Beam, Rock Blast, Power Gem
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Mud Shot, Water Gun
- Special Attacks: Aurora Beam, Rock Blast, Water Pulse
- Evolves Into: Octillery (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Mud Shot, Water Gun
- Special Attacks: Water Pulse, Aurora Beam, Gunk Shot
- Evolves From: Remoraid
- Type: Ice / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Ice Shard, Quick Attack
- Special Attacks: Icy Wind, Aerial Ace, Ice Punch
- Type: Water / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Bubble, Wing Attack
- Special Attacks: Water Pulse, Aerial Ace, Ice Beam
- Type: Steel / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Air Slash, Steel Wing
- Special Attacks: Sky Attack, Flash Cannon, Brave Bird
- Type: Dark / Fire
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Feint Attack
- Special Attacks: Crunch, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower
- Evolves Into: Houndoom (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Dark / Fire
- Fast Attacks: Fire Fang, Snarl
- Special Attacks: Crunch, Fire Blast, Foul Play
- Evolves From: Houndour
- Type: Water / Dragon
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun, Dragon Breath
- Special Attacks: Outrage, Hydro Pump, Blizzard
- Evolves From: Seadra
- Type: Ground
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Rock Smash
- Special Attacks: Bulldoze, Body Slam, Rock Slide
- Evolves Into: Donphan (Cost: 50 candy)
- Type: Ground
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Counter
- Special Attacks: Play Rough, Earthquake, Heavy Slam
- Evolves From: Phanpy
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Charge Beam, Hidden Power
- Special Attacks: Solar Beam, Zap Cannon, Hyper Beam
- Evolves From: Porygon
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Stomp, Wild Charge, Megahorn
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Struggle
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Rock Smash
- Special Attacks: Low Sweep, Brick Break, Rock Slide
- Evolves Into: Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop at random – or use our Tyrogue evolution guide (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attacks: Rock Smash , Counter
- Special Attacks: Gyro Ball , Close Combat, Stone Edge
- Evolves From: Tyrogue
- Type: Ice / Psychic
- Fast Attacks: Powder Snow, Pound
- Special Attacks: Psyshock, Ice Punch, Ice Beam
- Evolves Into: Jynx (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Low Kick, Thunder Shock
- Special Attacks: Thunder Punch, Brick Break , Discharge
- Evolves Into: Electabuzz (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Ember, Karate Chop
- Special Attacks: Fire Punch, Brick Break, Flame Burst
- Evolves Into: Magmar (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Tackle, Zen Headbutt
- Special Attacks: Gyro Ball, Body Slam, Stomp
- Type: Normal
- Fast Attacks: Zen Headbutt , Pound
- Special Attacks: Dazzling Gleam , Psychic, Hyper Beam
- Evolves From: Chansey
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attacks: Volt Switch, Thunder Shock
- Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, Wild Charge, Thunder
- Type: Fire
- Fast Attacks: Thunder Shock , Volt Switch
- Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, Wild Charge, Thunder
- Type: Water
- Fast Attacks: Extrasensory, Snarl
- Special Attacks: Water Pulse, Bubble Beam, Hydro Pump
- Evolves From:
- Evolves Into: (Cost: candy)
- Type: Rock / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Rock Smash, Bite
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power , Crunch, Stomp
- Evolves Into: Pupitar (Cost: 25 candy)
- Type: Rock / Ground
- Fast Attacks: Rock Smash, Bite
- Special Attacks: Ancient Power, Dig, Crunch
- Evolves From: Larvitar
- Evolves Into: Tyranitar (Cost: 100 candy)
- Type: Rock / Dark
- Fast Attacks: Bite, Iron Tail
- Special Attacks: Crunch, Fire Blast, Stone Edge
- Evolves From: Stone Edge
- Type: Psychic / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Extrasensory, Dragon Tail
- Special Attacks: Sky Attack, Hydro Pump, Futuresight
- Type: Fire / Flying
- Fast Attacks: Extrasensory, Steel Wing
- Special Attacks: Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Brave Bird
- Type: Psychic / Grass
- Fast Attacks: Charge Beam, Confusion
- Special Attacks: Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, Hyper Beam
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