WIN! We have Destiny 2 beta codes for PS4, Xbox One or PC to giveaway!

By Staff

We’re giving away a bunch of codes for next week’s Destiny 2 beta test.

We’ll be picking 25 winners over this weekend and mailing them out in plenty of time to take part in the Destiny 2 beta, which kicks off on July 18 on PS4 and July 19 on Xbox One.

Each of the 25 winners will get three codes to hand out to their fireteam members, friends, family or just give away in a random act of generosity to whomever they fancy.

The codes are redeemed on and are for all formats – including PC, although the date for the PC beta has not yet been set.

All you need to do is send an email to with the subject “Destiny 2 Beta” and we’ll pick random winners first thing on Monday morning UK time.

The Destiny 2 beta is pretty meaty – it includes the opening Homecoming story mission, the Inverted Spire strike and two PvP modes, Control and Countdown.

You’ll also be able to try out the new subclasses; Dawnblade Warlock, Arcstrider Hunter, or Sentinel Titan.

Good luck with the competition – and if you don’t get lucky this time we might have a few more codes knocking around at the start of next week…
