You can clip through the map and enter a hidden area in Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s Master Trials

By Shabana Arif

It’s not that exciting though, so temper your expectations.

zelda breath of the wild master trails map clip (4)

The first expansion for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild dropped last week, which is only available as part of the season pass.

All of the new armour sets can be found in chests on the map, and you can try your hand at the Trial of the Sword challenge mode if you’re feeling up to it, like this chap who ploughed through it on the day of release.

Redditor sharkystheshotty gave it a whirl and events took an unexpected turn when they clipped through the map and landed in the upside down.

The glitch happened on the third of the Medum trials, and unfortunately for sharkystheshotty, they couldn’t find their way back in.

“Was on trial three on the Medium trials and flew up near the chest on the floating platform and just went through a wall. Couldn’t get back in.. so I didn’t make it.”

Have you had any weird things happen during the trials? Regale us with your stories in the comments below.
