Battlefield 1 will get another LMG when In the Name of the Tsar drops and it’s the Perino 1908

By Stephany Nunneley

One of the last weapons to be added with Battlefield 1’s upcoming expansion In the Name of the Tsar is the Perino Model 1908.

Battlefield 1’s Russian expansion, which releases in September, will include an Italian LMG. Only, it has been converted from its stationary standard setup into a weapon infantry and carry around.

The weapon was a rather hefty in origin, and was more suitable for use in fortifications instead of out in the field.

According to the video from Westie, the the Perino 1908 uses an external “hopper style” box magazine which is filled with feed strips of 20 bullets each, holding a max of 120 rounds.

The reload animation is rather elaborate, and players can top off the magazine by adding strips when needed. The bullets are fed into the gun via gravity, allowing players to chug out 120 rounds until it’s time to reload. Sounds like a lot of fun, actually.

It’s also a rather large weapon, and takes up quite a bit of the screen when in use as you can see.

Other previously revealed weapons along with the Fedorov Avtomat and General Liu Rifle are now available on CTE.

If you have yet to jump into the shooter, you might want to give the Battlefield 1: Revolution Edition a once over. It includes Battlefield Premium, which will grant access to They Shall Not Pass, next month’s In the Name of the Tsar, Turning Tides in December, and Apocalypse slated for early 2018.

It’s out now on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
