In Wolfenstein 2, Nazis have their own cheesy superhero shows. Meet Blitzmensch and his partner Fräulein Fox

By Shabana Arif

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus gets another weird and wonderful trailer.

We’ve already seen quite a bit of Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus gameplay – like these three missions that definitely contain spoilers, so think hard before you hop over and watch them.

Bethesda has also put together a few trailers that illustrate what life is like in Nazi-occupied America, with the German or Else gameshow, and the Trust in Brother sitcom that shows a young boy getting turned into the authorities for gorging on too much chocolate.

The latest trailer to drop is for a superhero show in the vein of Adam West’s Batman, called Blitzmensch – Uber Man to Uber Hero.

“General Engel’s favorite TV show is getting bigger and better each year! Päng! Blitzmensch and his partner Fräulein Fox save the world from capitalism, communism, and degenerates every day in this amazing show celebrating die Überlegenheit – the superiority – of the Reich and the Aryan race,” reads the video description.

“Ach, nee! Who will be this week’s baddie? The evil Money Grubber? The notorious Proletariat-Man? The vicious Mr. Yankee Monkey? Don’t miss a single episode of Blitzmensch!”

It doesn’t look like there’s any new gameplay, but these snippets from the in-game world are getting more delightful with each new trailer.

You can get to killing Nazis when Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus releases on October October 27 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
