Nightfalls in Destiny 2 will be timed, according to new information.
The details come from an upcoming issue of Edge magazine (via Eurogamer), which includes a big feature on the game.
The timer will be different from one Nightfall to the other, but they’re likely going to be around 15 minutes. It’s not clear why Bungie is introducing this restriction, but it could be a way of plugging exploits some players used to solo Nightfalls.
In the same issue, Bungie also reiterated that certain activities will lock your loadout, meaning you won’t be able to change your guns once you start them. This also extends to subclasses, which Bungie says is done to get players to go into these endgame activities with a plan.
One other tidbit revealed in the Edge issue has to do with energy weapons. Energy weapons are the only weapons that can carry elemental damage, and always occupy the second slot in your loadout. In Destiny 2, there’ll be a modifier that results in enemy’s elemental shields exploding, causing AOE damage, when players successfully take them down.
Destiny 2 is out September 6 on PS4, and Xbox One. The PC version releases October 24.
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