Destiny 2 Sturm and Drang: completing the Relics of the Golden Age quest to get these awesome reload-free weapons

By Staff

Destiny 2 has a lot of special weapon combinations, but this pair is a must-have combination – so target them as a priority.

Destiny 2’s Sturm and Drang are a pair of weapons that come as a pair, and they’re named after the German term Sturm und Drang – a phrase meaning ‘Storm and Stress’ which also has a literary meaning for a movement when the hero of a piece is driven to violence, usually by greed, and emotions be damned.

The weapon effects for these two pistols (a hand cannon and sidearm) fit this sort of concept, with the two weapons synergizing and working together nicely. Racking up kills with one will essentially allow the other to be reloaded free-of-charge while it’s in your reserves. This is actually really clever and can lead to a situation that makes it feel as though you’ve got unlimited ammo – keep killing with Sturm and when it’s time to reload, instead switch to Drang and keep dunking on the enemy. The same can then happen in reverse. The two feature decent stats but this is the unique selling point: and as if it wasn’t obvious enough from the Sturm und Drang inspired name, the pair of weapons also look very alike.

Sturm is the exotic weapon of the pair, while Drang is a Legendary Sidearm. If you want to learn more about the exotic, rare and powerful weapons in Destiny 2, be sure to head to our Destiny 2 Exotics page where we list off all of the exotic weapons currently available in Destiny 2 and how to unlock them.

The Sturm and Drang are obtained through a specific quest line, and you’ll have to follow a number of steps in order to get your hands on them. The quest line in question can be helpful in hitting Destiny 2’s level cap by leveling up quickly in that this quest will scale to whatever level you are rather than remaining at a static difficulty you may have already surpassed.

Obtaining Drang: how to get the first of the pair

Okay, so, getting Drang is pretty simple in real terms. All you’ll need to do is follow a relatively linear story path – this Legendary Sidearm will be a reward along the way. Given that this takes place in the post-game, some minor spoilers for the end-game are below. So:

  • Complete the main Red War campaign missions in full – Destiny 2’s main story content.
  • In the post-game, now focus on completing all the Nessus World Quests. As part of this, after the final quest (My Captain) you’ll be rewarded the Drang legendary sidearm. For more on these quests and their loot, check our Destiny 2 World Quests list page.
  • You have the Drang! Lovely. It’s an okay weapon, but it needs its partner to really impress. As part of the Nessus World Quests rewards you’ll have a new quest item in your Kinetic weapons slot. It suggests you talk to the Cryptach – so head to the tower and do just that.
  • Talking to to the Cryptach will kick off a quest line associated with this item. Let’s get into that below:


How to get Sturm: finishing the pair

In order to get Sturm you’re going to have to follow a much less directed quest line. Here’s how that works – and remember you need to complete the quest above to activate this quest.

Relics of the Golden Age quest part one: engrams and kills

This quest has a few different objectives you need to complete, and each is pretty simple, all told.

  • Relics of the Golden Age Objective #1: Decrypt Legendary Engrams (5 total)
  • Relics of the Golden Age Objective #2: Decypt Exotic Engrams (1 total)
  • Relics of the Golden Age Objective #3: Defeat Fallen on Nessus with Drang (10 total)

The important thing to remember about this quest is that it’s basically a background activity, so you don’t need to focus on completing these things specifically. If you want, you can meander off, do other things and just complete these at your leisure as you go. The Fallen on Nessus can be killed while doing other objectives and so on, but the objective you’ll probably most want to sit on is the one to decrypt engrams.

That objective to Decrypt Legendary Engrams is going to take you time, so don’t be afraid to get away from this quest and tackle more of what Destiny 2 has to offer – there are plenty of suggestions on what to do in our Destiny 2 guide.

When these objectives are all complete, head back to chat to the Cryptarch again. After a quick chat you’ll be redirected to Tyra Karn at The Farm. This results in a second Relics of the Golden Age quest item, and this kicks off the second part of the quest. There are three parts, by the way.

Relics of the Golden Age quest part two: powering up Drang

Tyra Karn will essentially update the quest, the new item featuring two more objectives that are even more simple than the last pair. As before, you can complete these objectives passively as you do other things, but this second set is far more specific and easy to grind out quickly if that’s what you prefer. They are:

  • Relics of the Golden Age Objective #5: Defeat Multiple Fallen with Drang without reloading (10 total)
  • Relics of the Golden Age Objective #6: Defeat a powerful Fallen with Drang (10 total)

Anything above two fallen counts for this objective, so just keep plugging away – two will do, but more than that is obviously helpful. You don’t need to get all ten in one go, so don’t fret about that. Powerful Fallen are harder to down, and they’re the ones that are typically named enemies. You have to be the one to land the kill if you’re playing in a fireteam, and it of course has to be with Drang. Keep those points in mind.

Once you’ve killed a load of Fallen with Drang and satisfied its bloodlust, head back to the Farm and chat to Tyra Karn once again. You’ve got one more step in this quest to go…


Relics of the Golden Age quest part three: Sturm at last

Tyra Karn will point you in the final direction for the third and final part of the Relics of the Golden Age quest – a new story mission on Prodromus Down on Nessus. You’ll be tasked with destroying a Servitor named Kendricks-7. Sounds simple enough!

This will now pop up as a proper mission on your map, so simply head to Nessus on the map and follow the menus as you usually would. You should have a Fireteam with a power level of 140, though if you’re powerful enough and skilled enough you should be able to handle it alone.

It’s a pretty standard-issue quest, with the Kendricks-7 Sevitor featuring as the boss at the very end of the mission. Specific tactics for this mission shouldn’t be needed, but if anything gives you any trouble I’d heartily recommend reading up our many tips, tricks and strategies in our Destiny 2 guide.

Once the quest is done, head back to Tyra Karn – and voila, you have yourself some lovely Storm and Stress as your reward. Sturm und Drang. Sturm and Drang. Whatever! The point is, as described above these two weapons work fantastically together, and Sturm is actually a great side arm for any energy weapon, since its automatic reload perk isn’t exclusive to Drang. Drang’s auto-reload only works on Sturm, however, so these pair really are a match made in heaven.
