The latest Assassin’s Creed Origins trailer manages be exciting and poignant at the same time.
Yes, I know we technically should judge video games on their gameplay, and not pre-rendered cinematics. But hot damn, some game trailers are stunning works of art in and of themselves. The new Assassin’s Creed Origins trailer absolutely belongs that list, highlighting a decline of Egyptian society which will supposedly give birth to the events of an entire franchise.
How does it pull this off? With sand. Lots of sand.
Technically speaking, the trailer has no story elements to speak of, and barely introduces Origins protagonist, Bayek. What it does show are snapshots of Egyptian life, from a priest removing a heart from a body, to a small cat exploring an alleyway. In all cases however, everything is slowly dissolving into sand – the people, the buildings, even that poor cat. All to tease that Egyptian civilization is entering its final days, and will soon be lost and forgotten in the sands. Powerful stuff.
And sure, the game itself will pirouette away from this poignant moment to highlight action scenes and brutal assassinations. But for just a moment, this trailer makes Origins feel like something unique and memorable. We’ll see how the game actually holds up when it launches for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on October 27, 2017.
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