If you’re looking to pick up the Middle-earth: Shadow of War PC version this week, be prepared for a massive download.
Those with early access to the PC Steam version of Middle-earth: Shadow of War have found that it has a 97.9GB download, which is much bigger than most games tend to be – at least on launch.
The PS4 version, on the other hand, is around 64GB, a download size more in line with today’s games. This was on PS4 Pro, too, so 4K-ready textures are part of the download. Here are screenshots showing the download sizes for both versions, via IGN’s Dan Stapleton.
Stapleton reckons 4K videos make up a huge chunk of that, and that would indeed be a big factor if all videos are pre-rendered. This is the second near-100GB download PC gamers have seen this month, after Forza 7.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War is out October 10 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The game has been getting favourable reviews so far, but many – including our own – agree that it doesn’t make enough improvements to the overall core formula.
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