Star Wars: Battlefront 2 beta extended until Wednesday

By Sherif Saed

The Star Wars: Battlefront 2 open beta has received a two-day, not-totally-surprising extension.

The Star Wars: Battlefront 2 beta initially went live for pre-order players last Wednesday, before opening up to everyone on Friday. It was supposed to end today, but EA has just announced an extension.

Now, the beta will end on Wednesday, October 11 at the times below:

  • PDT: 9am
  • EDT: 12pm
  • BST: 5pm
  • CEST: 6pm

Nothing else has changed, so the download size is still the same, as are the maps, and modes available to play. It would have been cool to see a new map unlock today, but we’ll just have to make do with what we have.

If you’ve yet to jump in yourself, or feel like giving the beta one more go before it’s all over, you may find that a few things in there are a bit obtuse. Fear not, these beta tips will guide you through making the most out of the available time.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is out November 17 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
