Super Mario Odyssey trailer provides a fun overview of what you can do in the game

By Stephany Nunneley

Nintendo has released a Super Mario Odyssey video which provides an overview of the game.

The Super Mario Odyssey trailer gives us a more in-depth look at Mario’s helpful hat Cappy.

Mario can use Cappy to take out bad guys, reach new areas, and reveal hidden items. Using this handy hat, Mario can also take control of enemies and use their abilities to explore and experiment.

And don’t forget, using Cappy, Mario can turn into a fish, a bolt of electricity, and use other interesting powers in order to get around. It’s rather cool.

In the video, the hat-shaped Odyssey ship is also shown. This is the vessel Mario uses to travel between the various kingdoms, some of which Alex gave us a look at in his Super Mario Odyssey hands-on video.

In order to power the ship, Mario must collect Power Moons, and the more collected, the further he can travel. Power Moons can be found hidden behind many items in the world, and can also drop when defeating enemies.

Each kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey also features a Crazy Cap store where Mario can purchase new hats and outfits using regional coins which are collected.

The video also touches upon Snapshot Mode which is used to take screenshots. Co-op Support Mode is also shown alongside a quick look at mini-games.

It’s just over five minutes long, and is a pretty great overview trailer. Honestly, it made me consider buying a Switch sooner rather than later. As if Breath of the Wild wasn’t reason enough.

Super Mario Odyssey will be released for Switch on October 27.
