Amazon Alexa owners can now talk to their Ghost in Destiny 2

By James O'Connor

The new Destiny 2 Ghost Skill for the Amazon Alexa will let you chat to Ghost in-game, throwing commands and questions its way.

The Amazon Alexa now has a skill that will let you talk to Ghost, with Alexa as an intermediary, while playing Destiny 2. For example, if you issue the command ‘Alexa, ask Ghost to equip my most powerful weapon’, Ghost will do so.

The sales page promises that you’ll now have an easier time managing your items and switching between them on the fly, although for many huge Destiny fans the main appeal might just be talking to Ghost. It’s perhaps not as helpful as, say, our huge Destiny 2 guide, but it’s still pretty neat.

destiny 2 amazon alexa

This skill can be used with any Alexa-enabled device, but if you really want the full ‘chat to Ghost’ experience, there’s also a Ghost-shaped speaker available for purchase. The Ghost still needs an Alexa-capable device to pair with, but if you do so you can hear Nolan North’s voice piping out of it.

The Ghost speaker will not launch until December 19, making it a primo Christmas gift for the huge Destiny fan in your life.

Meanwhile, in other Destiny news, Bungie has today said that they need to be more open about the game’s development, and that they are introducing numerous changes and improvements to the game going forward.

Destiny 2’s first piece of DLC, Curse of Osiris, will release on December 5.
