Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon leaks reveal new Mythical Pokemon, Ultra Beast moves – spoilers

By Stephany Nunneley

There’s all sorts of information floating around today for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon. Let’s go ahead preface this with a massive spoiler warning. Seriously, you’ve been warned.

Dataminers who happened to get their hands on early copies of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon have leaked plenty of information on the game.

Some of the information pertains to recent announcements from Nintendo, such as Team Rainbow Rocket, previously announced Ultra Beasts, and other interesting nuggets ahead of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon’s release on November 17.

These leaks include a new Mythical Pokemon, Ultra Beast evolutions, and what could possible be a guest appearance in the game.

We’re going to say this one more time: SPOILERS ARE BELOW. That said, we won’t post the entire thing. If you honestly can’t wait until you play the game yourself next week, click this Google document containing all datamined information.

It gathers up everything posted by users on reddit and other places online (thanks, Nintendo Everything).

With that out of the way, here’s a taste of what was datamined.




  • No new Alolan Forms.
  • UB: Adhesive (aka Poipol) evolves into Naganadel using Dragon Pulse after leveling. This changes the Ultra Beast from a Poison-type to a Poison/Dragon-type called Naganadel once it evolves.
  • Poipole will also be handed out as an in-game gift Pokemon
  • Other Ultra Beast true names: Stakataka (UB: Assembly), Blacephalon (UB: Burst).
  • New Mythical Legendary Pokemon: Zeraora – an Electric-type with 600 base stats.
  • The adorable Ghost/Fairy type Mimikyu will have a Z-Move called Snuggle Forever.
  • As previously reported, in Pokemon Sun and Moon, Necrozma will take over Legendary Pokemon Solgaleo and Lunala to become Dusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma, respectively. But, according to the leaks, this Pokemon has a third form called Ultra Necrozma.
  • Ash is shown in the game code alongside other NPCs. He may or may not make an appearance in-game, but he’s in the data.
  • Players will be gifted with a Pikachu that knows Surf by an NPS. This particular NPC also has a Pikachu that knows Fly.
  • The new Totem Pokemon are: Marowak, Araquanid, Togedemaru, and Ribombee. These replace Salazzle, Wishiwashi and Vikavolt from the standard Sun and Moon.


Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon releases next week on 3DS, and if you can’t decide which one to get, you can always grab the special Dual Edition.
