Starting today, you can play Wolfenstein 2’s first level for free

By Marshall Lemon

Why are you reading this instead of fighting Nazis?

Wolfenstein 2

There’s a pretty clear consensus that Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is a freaking fantastic game, but maybe you’re not convinced. Maybe you haven’t killed an in-game Nazi since the early 2000s, and aren’t certain of the current appeal. Well, wonder no more! Now you can take Wolfenstein 2 out for a free test drive!

Bethesda has unlocked the first level of Wolfenstein 2 across all platforms as a free trial. You can download the game for PC, PS4, or Xbox One to try out the mission for yourself. And if you like what you play, the full game purchase will let you continue using your current save file.

The game is also part of Steam’s Black Friday sale, so if you love the demo you can jump right into the full game at a discount.

The first level of Wolfenstein 2 is an interesting one – without spoiling anything, it’s pretty unique in how BJ Blazkowicz gets around, and it follows on from the first game’s ending directly.

Demos are a bit of a rarity these days, but Bethesda has been doing a good job of letting people play their games before they buy – Doom also got a lengthy demo after launch.

Wolfenstein 2 is also coming to Switch, if you don’t mind waiting for portable Nazi-slaying, although we’re not sure yet how the Switch will handle it.

In the meantime, though, this could be a good opportunity for you to give the game a play, or even to check and see how well your PC runs it. Give it a look.
