DayZ won’t leave Alpha until 2018, build 0.63 also pushed into next year

By Stephany Nunneley

DayZ will finally go into beta and release on Xbox One in 2018.

A status update on DayZ was provided today, with news of the game leaving early access in 2018 and the delay of the latest update.

According to the developer post, build 0.63 won’t be released until next year on either the Experimental or Stable branches, per the DayZ’s lead producer Eugen Harton.

Harton stated the main goal right now is to continue working on core game features such as vaulting, swimming, and vehicles, none of which is ready for an Experimental release.

That said, he did provide a list of goals that are being “implemented into everything” the team is making for the game in the new engine. These include continued performance and stability passes, working on control and balance as well as moddability.

Harton also provided a list of what still needs to be done in before 0.63 Experimental can be pushed out. You can look over the list through the DayZ status update page.


It’s a rather extensive post which covers why the PC beta has been pushed into 2018, the team’s continued commitment to bringing DayZ to consoles, and information on further 0.63 updates up to 1.0. You’ll notice companion animals aren’t on the list.

The beta will be a “platform that will be extended,” by Bohemia Interactive and “extended by the modding community.” After the PC beta of DayZ gets out, the team will start polishing the “core gameplay loop, and adding content.”

“But until we reach 1.0, we want to stay away from expanding the scope of the game further by additional features,” said Harton.

Again, give the post a read for more information. We suggest you grab yourself a beverage beforehand.

DayZ has been in early access since December 2013.
