Star Wars: Battlefront 2 trailer shows the Last Jedi maps, heroes, vehicles, story mission

By Sherif Saed

With Star Wars: The Last Jedi releasing soon, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is getting ready to receive movie-themed content.

On December 13, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will receive an update that brings lots of the Last Jedi-themed content to the game, free for everyone.

This includes new heroes in Finn, and Captain Phasma, two new maps, new vehicles, and Resurrection – a story epilogue that ties the game’s campaign into the Last Jedi. The maps will feature planet Crait, playable in Galactic Assault, and D’Qar, playable in Starfighter Assault.

The trailer below shows gameplay similar to the scenes in the Last Jedi trailers. It’s not really a spoiler, though you should abstain if you’re going in completely blind. It’s great that we’ll be able to pilot the new vehicles.

DICE has not yet said if unlocking the new heroes will require Credits. In other Battlefront 2 news, EA recently upped the Credits, and Crafting Parts rewards earned. The change is not massive, but it makes the grind a little less bearable.
