Japanese Company Creates a Tail That Wags When You Get Happy!

Mikey McCollor

Because in Japan, all insane ideas must come to fruition, a Japanese company called Neurowear has created an electronic tail called "Shippo" that reads your brainwave and wags when you're happy. We're talking a fluffy, mechanized white husky tail. Take a look:

I guess continually giving the peace sign was
no longer enough for the Japanese to convey their happiness.

The demo video also shows an iPhone app that records the brainwaves the Shippo is reading and maps where you're having those emotions. Does the app come with the tail? Is there a big market for third party apps that interact with a goddamn robot tail?

app shippo
"Lose any sense of personal privacy for only 99 cents in the App Store."

Far and away the most uncomfortable part of this video is when the girl using it falls in lvoe with some guy and they know because BOTH THEIR TAILS ARE WAGGING. Okay Japan, so with this product we can't even keep our most private feelings of attraction secret? Where does that lead us? People knowing how the opposite sex feels about them? An increase in honesty? Less emotionally-dulling realtionship games?

Actually, that all sounds pretty good. What am I so angry about?

tails in love
I guess I just really hate to see other people happy.

That said, this is emblemetic of Japan's entire approach to emotion—no one can simply be happy to themselves, it needs to be shown. Emotions are big, people! Never let an emotion be understated, like it is in real life! That's basically the country of Japan's motto. For example here's a guy feeling an emotion in an American movie:

sad guy
I mean, I can definitely tell he's feeling SOME sort of emotion.

And here's that same sad guy in a Japanese movie:

sad guy anime tears
Ohh, he was SAD. Got it. Thanks Japan.

Would you wear a tail that broadcasts your emotions to te world? Let me know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!


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