YouTubers Arrested Over Kidnapping Prank

Mikey McCollor

Five men from Australia were arrested today after a five-month long police investigation involving a YouTube video, handcuffs, underwear, an overpass camera, and terrified pedestrians came to a close.

game of clue
That sounds like either the most or the least sexy game of Clue.

The prank involved a fake kidnapping, and the supposed victim was locked in the trunk of a car. When he escaped, handcuffed and in his underwear, pedestrians observing called the police. The event was filmed NOT ONLY by a freeway overpass but by the quote unquote "kidnappers", who were filming a prank video to put up on YouTube.

And despite the fact that I couldn't find the video itself — what, does Australia keep all the evidence of ongoing investigations guarded by kangaroos? — I can picture it in my head. And it sounds hilarious.

laughing at computer
"Ha ha! That man is in danger! Ha HA!"

And now, after somehow investigating the incident for over five months, the police have finally arrested the perpetrators, charging them with "creating a false belief". So, if creating a false belief is a crime in Australia, I guess they arrest every politician, lawyer, and employee who calls in "sick" as well?

nicole kidman
Is that where Nicole Kidman's been? Is she locked up in Australia jail
for creating a false belief with her stunning performance in The Hours?


And this isn't the only story of a Youtube-based prank going legally awry, as Charles Ross was arrested for giving strangers wedgies. Guys, listen to me — even if something is a "prank", it is still an action you are taking in the real world. That means you can still be held accountable for it by the law. Don't think that filming it for Youtube is going to get you off the hook.

robber arrested
"Hey man, relax! This is just a prank for my channel!"

What videos have you put up on YouTube that would get you arrested? Let me know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!


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