15 Classic Simpsons Gifs

Megan K

Remember when The Simpsons was still funny? Me too. Sigh. Let’s honor the long-dead show’s memory by observing a moment of silence and remembering the good times.



classic simpsons gifs homner u r gay



My nightmare!

classic simpsons gifs spider box



The Knife Game!

classic simpsons gifs knife game song



When I try to flirt!

classic simpsons gifs poochie died




classic simpsons gifs poochie died



Yay! Poochie's dead!

classic simpsons gifs poochie died



Spin the Homer

classic simpsons gifs homer spinning



Freedom! Horrible, horrible freedom!

classic simpsons gifs broken ant farm



Ketchup? Catsup?

classic simpsons gifs ketchup catsup



Burns gets bruised

classic simpsons gifs mr burns kicked



D'oh! D'oh! D'oh!

classic simpsons gifs homer’s stolen chips



Just jigglin'

classic simpsons gifs homer’s fat jiggling



Eat my shorts

classic simpsons gifs licking ice cream off bart’s butt



Long Dong Flanders

classic simpsons gifs ned flanders showering



I wash myself with a rag on a stick

classic simpsons gifs fat bart washes himself



Crazy cat lady

classic simpsons gifs crazy cat lady



Do youstill watch The Simpsons? Let me know in the comments!


Check out 14 Incredibly WTF Anime GIFs!
