
Amazon worldwide sales charts – week ending March 20

Gibson sues EA over Rock Band

New Resi 5 footage and interview in next Famitsu

SOCOM Confrontation forces detailed

New EndWar trailer released

Okami for June in Europe

Stardock boss issues rallying cry: ignore the pirates

EA charging for weapons in Battlefield: Bad Company beta

Dead Space animated movie in the works

Motorstorm 2 name rumoured

Freeloader still working after Wii update

Nyko’s Wii Guitar Hero Peripheral available Stateside

The game’s not over for Midway, says Zucker

PS3 Orange Box patch detailed

Stop-frame Lego Portal movie

Big pictures of bald god

Easter on

PSP back on top in Japanese hardware sales

Nintendo planning biggest ever marketing campaign for Wii Fit

Guitar Hero: On Tour is $50, says Amazon