
New Gears 2 ad shows large men and hard drilling

THQ confirms Fiddy 2 publishing deal

SFIV PC to release after console versions

EndWar goes gold

Star Wars: The Old Republic is “PC-only,” says LucasArts boss

LBP 1.02 patch blasts religion from game

More Star Wars Galaxies content planned, will run alongside TOR “indefinitely”

First Gears of War 2 review published tomorrow

Dead Space 2 already underway

Ubi sales up 32% in first half of FY 2009

Euro PSN update, October 23

Games industry just “one notch up from pornography,” said Eidos boss

Mercenaries 2 gets trophy patch

No Velvet Assassin for PS3, says Gamecock [updated]

EA Games president: “It is an absolute imperative for the company to go online as fast as possible”

Sequels allow devs “to hit the ground running”, says Insomniac CEO

New Left 4 Dead system specs see graphics card requirements lowered

Japanese PSN update reveals Secret Agent Clank PSP demo

Sony now advertising Home to new membership sign-ups