
The glasses come off: 3DS launches in the US

Saturday shorts – Evil Ryu, SSFIV 3D, Hulu, STO, Fight Night Champion, sales

Japanese charts, March 14-20: 3DS, Dynasty Warriors 7 win

Rumor: Details on WarHawk 2 outed by Saudi site

US PS movie store update: Star Trek, Father Ted, Ancient Aliens, Event Horizon, Liz Taylor

CCP details EVE Online changes and additions coming this summer with Incarna expansion

Microsoft UK: “Xbox is moving to a broader audience in terms of its market appeal”

Quick shots: L.A. Noire’s Elsa Lichtmann

Call of Juarez: The Cartel demo planned, likely for co-op mode

Caption Contest, Name The Band! Win A Shirt!

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is “like reading a great graphic novel, a page-turner,” says director

Patch for Crysis 2 PC released, removes the auto-aim system

Angry Birds: The Movie Trailer

Metacritic starts posting aggregate scores for developers

Alternative Weekend Activities For Batman

Reggie shows off 3DS’s AR functions on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Cyanide working on Song of Ice and Fire RPG

FOX News tears into Duke Nukem Forever over Capture the Babe

Taturday 61: Tattooed Teeth!

Amanita Design: Three titles announced, Machinarium coming to PSN

Pokemon Black and White move over 2 million copies in two weeks in the US

The Weekly Wrap – Nukem delayed, 3DS mania, Geohot