
ESA spends $714,000 on lobbying in Q1

Site calls out RPG on Oblivion theft

Everyone’s getting MGS4 early

Capcom celebrates 25th birthday

Microsoft launches Xbox 360 credit card in India

Four new PS3 game and controller bundles announced for Europe

Three new Bioshock PS3 screenshots

Janco’s Hickey shows Saints Row 2 trailer the hand

Audio of Jack Thompson’s Miami hearing posted

US PlayStation Blog is a year old today

Nintendo denies involvement in “Wii Fit girl” movie

Gametrailers to debut Resistance 2 gameplay

Adam Beach rumoured for Turok movie

Square announces first FFXIII showing for August

SCEA confirms E3 press conference details

Price admits Resistance 1 won’t support Trophies and Home

Fatal Inertia EX delayed slightly in Europe

New UT3 360 screens released

Easton hints at new Prince of Persia franchise