
Guitar Hero Metallica before Q1 2009

New PoP is “spiritual successor to Sands of Time”

Saints Row 2 confirmed for PC

New Infinite Undiscovery screenshots published

Rock Band to launch in Japan

New Zealand Nintendo distributor gets it in the ass

Namco Bandai: Eternal Sonata PS3 “Japan only”

Pics from Hideo Kojima London signing posted

Trion and Sci-Fi channel to work on MMO

NHN to launch Huxley in “late 2008”

Ted Price interviewed live on EG this Wednesday

Tom Clancy’s HAWX listed for September release

Konami: London Kojima signing “very well attended,” world tour detailed

Three new Fallout 3 shots released

UK MGS4 reviews were written from code supplied at two-day Paris event

Kids reckon GTA makes their mates swear and act violently

XBLA cull will force focus on quality, says Greenburg

Shenmue III at E3? “No comment”

Atari: No news on Eternal Sonata PS3

New Alpha Protocol screens pop up