
Saints Row 2 Collector’s Edition announced

Gears of War team ramps from 35 to 80 for sequel

Pure soundtrack confirmed

Leaked Gears 2 Achievements list isn’t complete

AIAS’ Olin: Blu-ray not long-term advantage for PS3

Abe’s Oddysee and Exoddus on Steam now

ESA welcomes prison sentences for US pirates

EA: Second-hand sales are a “critical situation”

Wii may have “superior business model,” says Stringer

Source: GTA IV DLC to launch in “January or February” next year

Lich King: 1-70 must be faster to prevent “intimidation” for new players, says Chilton

Euro PSN update, August 28

Pearce on StarCraft II release date: “This year? Like, 2008? Too much work to do”

Rock Band 2 getting full albums from Foo Fighters, Chillis, Janes’s Addiction and Megadeth

No super-slim PS2 for the UK

Far Cry 2 narrative “took a page from Professor Layton”

Games stop men exercising, says Dr Keith

New Tomb Raider Underworld footage released

Lag is “huge problem” for online SFIV

Yoshida: Team ICO’s PS3 game will be shown “soon”

Blockbuster, 7-Eleven and Riteaid get PSN cards in September

Take-Two to show third quarter results on September 4