
eBay “Deal of the Day’ is Xbox Live Gold Membership for $27.99

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 landing on PSN and XBL in July

Weekly MMO news round-up: EverQuest and FusionFall expansions, Star Wars hitting Comic-Con

Rumor: Sony to start development of gaming phone in July

New Uncharted 2 footage scheduled for July 9 on GTTV

Wolfenstein: B.J. Blazkowicz will remain the strong, slient type; movie in the works

Muzyka talks about the reorganization of BioWare and Mythic at EA

Rhianna Pratchett feels gaming plots have become more important, but need less testosterone

Silent Hill franchise does not need to be platform specific, says producer

Dragon Age: Origins shots show us, well, dragons

GameStop pre-orders of Metroid Prime Trilogy net free t-shirt

Nintendo on cross platforming: “We don’t do it for the sake of doing it”

Ninja Gaiden Sigma II screens look rather nice

Warner likely new Midway owner after being sole bidder

Obsidian confirms cancelation of Aliens RPG

BioWare: Mass Effect DLC news “will have to wait”

Mass Effect Galaxy performance patch on the way

More price cut rumors: PS3 and Xbox 360 both getting cheaper by fall

Zeno Clash gets new DLC and 50% off on Steam

Open beta for Champions Online coming in August