
NBA Jam will have big head mode

ICL students create a way to play Pong using eye movement

Bungie weekly update has loads of information on Halo:Reach

Assassin’s Creed 2 wins seven MI6 Marketing Awards

Ninja Theory co-founder says 3D console tech is “limited”

WHO claims obesity in kids can partially be blamed on gaming

Loads of Easter sales happening for PC gamers

Jaffe says Eat, Sleep, Play game’s “falling into place”

Greenberg: “Third parties have struggled” on Wii

Taturday 10

Rush mode from VIP map now available to all BFBC2 players

Rockstar planning its biggest ad blowout ever for Red Dead Redemption

Screens – Three for Darksiders PC

Sharp shows off what could very well be 3DS tech

Sega cans developer of Iron Man, Golden Axe: Beast Rider

Woohoo, Kids! I've Got Your Eggs Right Here - Special Delivery!