
Eight Epic Twitter Fails

Relic’s WH40K trailer talks about being a Space Marine

Picture This: Elephant Family

Valve: “PS3 is incredibly important to us”

Warhammer 40K: Dark Millennium trailer shows first playable race

3D Movie Revamps We'd Like To See

Game Informer’s Mafia II review is good

Mexican Food Word Scramble

PlayStation Move wins best hardware at gamescom

Lunchtime With Smosh: Green Sauce Sucks!

Dead Rising 2 shots show Chuck in interesting clothes

Hip Hop Pokemon Cards

Kim Kardashian Is Hairless

EA: Respawn’s game is a ways off

Interview – Killzone 3 multiplayer designer Dan Nanni

H.A.W.X. 2 delayed on all platforms except 360

Rock Band gets more Disturbed next week

Ed Balls urges return of tax breaks

EA: Crysis 2 will be 90 rated game

Survey says: Boys and girls love online gaming

New F1 video smashes things up

Under Siege coming to PSN, is feature-packed

Realtime Worlds re-hires 23 staff

Tesco trade-in’s go nationwide

Japanese hardware charts, August 8-15

Viewtiful Joe, Dormammu get MVC3 gameplay videos

From Dust screens show nature taking over

Ice Cream Robot

The Freakish Faces Of Synchronized Swimming