
ME2 Vanguard class will have powers from both soldier and adept

Star Trek Online video shows exploration and mega-blasting

Metal Slug XX to be released on UMD in February

Cinemaware founder: Movie tie-ins are “generally a piece of crap”

Capcom – RE: Darkside Chronicles sales are a “disappointment”

BFBC2 producer says the game is “deeper” than other shooters

Modern Warfare 2 soundtrack CD in the works, says Zimmer

Dragon Age gets Awakening announcement trailer

EA: Games may become (sort of) cheaper in the future

Spec Ops: The Line is “most provocative shooter ever” – new shots, movie

OPM US confirms Indy cars, night racing for GT5

Girl power: Nielsen figures 52% of US PSP owners are female

NOA estimates Wii sold 3 million units in US during December

Arkham Asylum: Hamill never expected to voice Joker again

Hollywood interested in Darksiders, confirms Madureira

Army of Two: The 40th Day videos show online shooting

Wii Sports Resort sells 5 million units in five months in Europe

Bayonetta reviews round-up – the scores are high

Kart racing game Zero Gear lands on Steam next week

Aion glitch makes players instant trillionaires