
Wildstar’s new IP means Carbine must “earn every user”

The Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief: A Murder of Ravens now available through GoG, Steam

Xbox 360: select US retailers have various deals underway

Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers video focuses on the Hades Arc

STEM System Kickstarter adds stretch goal for Android and iOS motion-tracking support

Grand Theft Auto 5 iFruit app update fixes connectivity issues

EA: triple-A franchises on mobile will not cannibalize console counterparts

Stardock and former employee drop lawsuits against one another

Plants vs Zombies 2 will be released on Android in October – report

EA restructuring corporate positions, Patrick Söderlund to take over as head of EA Sports

Guild Wars 2 players will venture into Twilight Arbor in October via Twilight Assault update

Batman: Arkham Origins PlayStation-exclusive Knightfall Pack detailed, trailered

Killzone Shadow Fall Season Pass detailed, new multiplayer trailer released

Grand Theft Auto 5 three volume digital album now available on iTunes

Thief 4 producer details how DualShock 4 will be used on PS4, how AI component and stealth are intertwined

PlayStation Network downtime announced for tomorrow, to last for six hours

Company of Heroes 2 gets two new free maps this week

Divine Gate detailed at TGS 2013

GTA Online includes in-game currency microtransactions – rumour