
Marvelous boss: Japanese and western devs can learn from each other

Saints Row 4 dev not worried about next-gen competition

Develop 2013: Double Fine’s technical manager discusses what he’ll be chatting about this week

Scribblenauts Unmasked – A DC Comics Adventure dated

Dishonored $19.99 through XBLM, DLC 50%off

Rockstar Leeds hiring graphics programmer to bring its “latest titles to the PC platform”

Beyond: Two Souls video delves into the game’s origins

Develop 2013: UKIE CEO Jo Twist discusses what the firm can do for fledgling game developers

Bungie’s cancelled Project Phoenix was “Minecraft-like,” says co-founder

GTA 5 contains over 1,000 vehicular modifications

Firefall celebrates the launch of open-beta with live-action trailer

Lost Planet 3 video features Jim Peyton’s inner monologue

Killzone: Shadow Fall includes actors from Homeland and True Blood

SingStar has 1.5 million new users since going free-to-play

Suda51 working on 2-D side-scroller based on upcoming film, Short Peace

DriveClub has damage effects and day-night cycle, weather on the cards

IndieRoyale Debut Bundle 3 out now

1666 was “the new Assassin’s Creed” – Désilets